Basic Aggregate/Summary Statistical Data Form


Basic descriptive data will be required on all adolescent (over 12 years of age in the US and 14 years of age in Canada) and adult sexual assault cases handled by each agency for the six-month period Jan. 1, 2004 through June 30, 2004. This summary descriptive information will be required by August 30, 2004, and will be shared with all 16 participant-communities for comparisons between the participant communities to understand the degree of variability between locations and agencies, including the possible use of different criterion or reporting methods. This data will be the focus of one of the components of the evaluation session of the curriculum to evaluate reporting practices and the quality of the information obtained for evaluation purposes.


Each participant-community will be expected to provide basic descriptive information on the total number of cases handled by each agency, broken down by their disposition and by their nature. By “nature,” cases should be able to be broken down by relationship (stranger/acquaintance), by violence (physical harm or use of a weapon/neither, and when available to the agency by the characteristics of the accused (i.e., Beyond the sexual assault itself, is the accused considered a marginal, dangerous or criminally active person?).


The expectation is that this summary data will come from the available existing records of the agency used for annual reports and general accountability purposes, and therefore will not require any extra record keeping.  Consistency between agencies in the exact definition of the variables is less important than consistency over time for each agency and each community.


Participant communities will be asked to complete the same data form again for the period of July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004, and again for the same two 6-month periods of the 2005 Project Year. This basic descriptive data for the two 12-month periods will be used to provide base line and follow-up data for the pre- and post-conference comparisons.


At the time of the Conference, each participant-community will have an opportunity to work with the evaluators and the other participant-communities to include optional additional standard information in the basic descriptive statistics collected by the agencies in their own participant-communities for the 2004 Base Line Period and the 2005 Project Year.



Nature of Cases (all agencies)


The total number of cases should be broken down into separate subtotals for the variables of relationship, violence (harm), dangerousness, and recency of complaint by all agencies.

1. Relationship

Ø      Stranger

Ø      Brief Encounter (suspect met and assaulted victim within 24 hours).

Ø      Acquaintance

Ø      Family

Ø      Unknown

2. Violence (Harm)

Ø      Weapon used or threatened

Ø      Physical Force or Restraint

Ø      Verbal Threat or Warning

Ø      None of the above

Ø      Unknown


3. Accused Characteristics (Indications of dangerousness of the accused when available to an agency), such as:

a.) Criminal Record

Ø      Yes

Ø      No

Ø      Unknown

b.) Social Status/Employment

Ø      Employed

Ø      Student

Ø      Unemployed

Ø      Unknown

4. Length of Time Between Assault and Agency Involvement

Ø      Hours (1-24 hours)

Ø      Days (2-7 days)

Ø      Weeks (2-4 weeks)

Ø      Months (2-12 months)

Ø      Years (2 to more years)

Ø      Unknown

5. Victim Age (by Age Category)

6. Victim Gender

7. Accused Age (by Age Category)

8. Accused Gender


Disposition of Case


By the Police


1. Total number of Reported Felony Sexual Assaults in (in the US), or Indictable Sexual Assault (in Canada)


2. Disposition of Actual (Founded) Cases

Ø      Cleared by Charge (Referred to Prosecution)

Ø      Otherwise Cleared (Exceptional)

Ø      Closed or Suspended (without an arrest)


3a. Crime Classification of Cases (in Canada) broken down by number and disposition if available.




Total Number of  Reported Incidents

Crime Classification

Level 1 Simple Sexual Assault

Level 2 Sexual Assault with a Weapon or Bodily Harm

Level 3 Aggravated Sexual Assault

4) Sexual Interference

TOTAL (1+2+3+4)





















3b. Crime Classification of Cases (in the US), broken down by number and disposition if available, based on locally used reporting categories, such as:


Felony Sexual Penetration

Ø      Force or fear

Ø      Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault/Incapacitation

Ø      Unconscious Victim

Ø      Disability

Felony Sexual Contact

Ø      Force or fear

Ø      Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault/Incapacitation

Ø      Unconscious Victim

Ø      Disability


By the Prosecution

(Felony Sexual Assaults) 

1. Disposition

Ø      Case Rejected for Prosecution

Ø      Charges dropped

Ø      Plea Bargain

Ø      Trial

2. Plea by Accused

Ø      Guilty

Ø      Not Guilty

3. Verdict

Ø      Guilty

Ø      Guilty of a Lesser Charge

Ø      Not Guilty

4. Sentence (for guilty cases)

Ø      Suspended or Conditional Sentence

Ø      Less than two years

Ø      More than two years


By Advocate Agency


1. Agency of First Contact (Do not count repeat calls for assistance.)

Ø      Yes

Ø      No

Ø      Unknown

2. Reported to Law Enforcement

Ø      Yes

Ø      Blind Report

Ø      No

Ø      Unknown

3. Received Medical Services

Ø      Yes

Ø      No

Ø      Unknown


Medical or Other Agency/Service


Provide aggregate descriptive statistics for the key variables (similar to those above) that define the service you provide or the role you play as a partner on the Sexual Assault Response Team. For example a medical agency would be expected to report for the total number of their cases whether the victim received medical care, whether a forensic examination was conducted, and if DNA evidence was collected.